Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nightly Routine..Morning Routine.

When I first did the "Big Chop" I did not really do anything with my hair at night, I just went to sleep because it was so short there was really nothing to do. Once the months started to fly by and my hair began to really grow I had to do some research on what to do at night with my hair. The routines that I began doing were very useful, protective, and made my mornings much easier. I've introduced the Bantu knots in a post, I did not actually do those but something similar. Every night I was comb out my hair, put my choice of natural hair products in my hair and either big or small two strand twist. Usually the bigger one were done because I had gotten to lazy to keep doing the small one. These twist are very time consuming but overtime you get used to them and they do not even bother. Other nightly hairstyles that can be done are flat twist, braids that are in sections, or cornrows. Each of these are taken out in the morning. After doing one of these I would apply just a little more oil on it. Your hair can be moistened also the curls from it look so pretty like that. Then, using a hair scarf or a satin cap I would just cover my head to protect and support my twist. To keep moisture in you can wear a plastic cap under the scarf or the cap. Sometimes I prefer the satin cap because the scarf can come off over night, or be tied way to tightly. But regardless of what you use, you just go to sleep.. and pray that whatever you used to cover your head stays on.

Once I wake up..
1. Take the satin cap of
2.Begin taking out the twist
3.Once all of the twist are yet again add some oil, or some type of hair lotion that you may use daily.
4. If the twist are clumped together or too big for your liken begin by separating the twists.

  •      By separating the twist you curls look way more defined just look better in my opinion
5. Once you have added you choice of hair product and separated the curls style your hair as desired.

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